Content by and about the American Organization for Nursing Leadership (AONL).

The need to test for influenza and other respiratory viruses this fall will create an additional burden on the nation’s labs, which continue to struggle to meet the demand for COVID-19 testing.
A third of nurses who took part in a 12-week, evidence-based writing-for-publication program produced manuscripts and submitted them to peer-reviewed journals.
Curbside check-in and contactless registration protocols put in place during the pandemic by AdventHealth of Altamonte Springs, Fla., is meeting with approval from 95% of patients, the health system reports.
Ann Marie T. Brooks, PhD, RN, president at Mount Carmel College of Nursing, Columbus, Ohio, shared her perspective on leadership in the Journal of Nursing Administration this month.
As hospitals prepare for an ongoing influx of patients with COVID-19, an AARP blog urges system leaders to rethink policies that isolate older patients from their caregivers.
Among Medicare beneficiaries, dual-eligible individuals and members of racial and ethnic minorities experienced the highest rates of hospitalization in the first half of 2020.