Content by and about the American Organization for Nursing Leadership (AONL).

A tool to address disrespectful workplace behaviors through trained peer-to-peer messaging can be implemented successfully in the nursing workforce with appropriate support, a study found.
Wake Forest University Baptist Medical Center used a digital tool to improve real-time employee engagement, according to a Journal of Nursing Administration study.
The NCLEX pass rates have declined from about 73% for all candidates and 88% for first-time, U.S. educated candidates to 69% and 82% respectively in 2021, according to a Medscape article.
The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation’s Future of Nursing Scholars program achieved its goal of developing PhD-prepared nurses primed for long-term careers more quickly, according to an article in Nursing Outlook.
More hospital systems are starting in-house staffing agencies to contend with the nursing shortage.
The 2023 Magnet Application Manual includes well-being as part of its application requirements to guarantee health care organizations and nurse leaders include structures and processes to support nurses’ well-being.
AONL was one of 48 members of the Nursing Community Coalition to sign a letter thanking Congressional members for introducing the National Nursing Workforce Center Act of 2022 (H.R. 8817/S. 4844).
AONL Board of Directors Treasurer Simmy King, DNP, RN, spoke last month at the Building Equity in Nursing and Health Care Leadership Summit.
President Biden last week signed into law a $1.7 trillion 2023 Omnibus Package (H.R. 2617), which will fund the government through September 30.
The Health Resources and Services Administration seeks nominations for its Advisory Committee on Infant and Maternal Mortality.