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The proliferation of new bedside medical devices and other system and technologies, including EHRs, smartphones, secure texting apps and more, has added new demands on nurses in the hospital. That demand has only intensified since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic.
EvergreenHealth is located in Kirkland, Wash., just outside of Seattle and was the first hospital in the country to treat a wave of patients diagnosed with community-spread COVID-19.
Today in Nursing Leadership Podcast
Stories connect us. They inspire us. And they offer us the opportunity to grow. Tune into Today in Nursing Leadership for a monthly conversation with nursing leadership experts.
An unrecognized and misunderstood asset of hospitals today is patient data. Clinicians rely on data to make informed decisions, but too often they do not get the right type of data at the right time.
Nurses are being redeployed to unfamiliar units to care for the surge of critically ill patients entering hospitals globally. Learn how virtual orientation can help effectively redeploy your nurses.
Facing COVID-19, new nurses are entering a more stressful and emotionally exhausting environment than ever before. Learn how to best support this critical transition during these unprecedented times.
Primary and acute care practitioners have unique opportunities and a growing sense of responsibility to address substance use and mental health disorders in routine office visits.
To help you lead confidently during times of crisis, AONL has developed a growing compendium of leadership resources to support you in caring for yourself and your team.
Press Releases
This policy brief is the collaborative effort of nursing leaders who propose and support academic-practice partnerships between health care facilities and pre-licensure registered nursing (RN) and practical/vocational nursing (PN/VN) programs across the country during the COVID-19 crisis. This is one potential model to consider. It is not mandated, rather an innovative approach to meeting academic and workforce needs.
The linkage between nursing care and patient outcomes is widely accepted, yet it is often difficult to achieve an evidence-based allocation of nursing resources that is understood and accepted by all. AONL, ANA and HFMA have teamed up to chart a path forward. This document explores the evolution from conventional, quasi-adversarial nursing/finance relationships to patients-first interprofessional collaboration and sets forth an action plan to improve nursing resource allocation and the value that patients receive.
[Sponsored] The four essential practices you need to think differently about personalizing experiences, exceeding your patients’ expectations, and set yourself apart in a demanding digital society.
The role of the system chief nurse executive (CNE) is a sub specialty of nursing leadership and requires its own set of competencies. Guided by the AONL Nurse Executive Competencies’ domains: communication and relationship building, knowledge of the healthcare environment, leadership, and professionalism, business skills the following competencies describe the skills, knowledge, and attributes of nurse leaders in the role of the system chief nurse executive. 
The Nursing Organizations Alliance believes that a healthy practice environment is supported by the presence of the following elements.
[Sponsored] Activate overwhelmed and uninvolved patients using education solutions designed to inform and connect.
[Sponsored] Investing in nurse education and development is critical for hospitals and health systems to successfully transition to value-based care. Nurses are in the position to not only participate in, but lead the transformation of the health care delivery system to one that is focused on team-based, patient-centered care across the continuum. This transformation will require new skills and enhanced knowledge around population health, wellness and data analytics, among other things.
On September 12, 2010 delegates from the American Organization for Nursing Leadership and their guests embarked on a trip halfway around the world to meet with nurse leaders in India through the People to People Citizen Ambassador Program. AONL president, Pamela Rudisill, MSN, RN, MEd, NEABC, and AONL chief executive officer (CEO), Pamela Thompson, MS, RN, CENP, FAAN, led the delegation's meetings with counterparts in Delhi, Jaipur and Agra. The trip was filled with dialogue about health care and nursing leadership in the United States (U.S.) and in India.
?Member Only? The role of the nurse executive in patient safety is to help lead best practices and establish the right culture across multiple disciplines within the organization.
These guiding principles are intended to inspire discussions among nurses and support service teams in a way that may not have taken place previously.
Technology is integrated into the fabric of health care and will most likely become increasingly part of the core fiber. AONL recognizes the significant role technology will play in our future. In support, AONL leadership has developed several tools to assist nurse leaders in incorporating technology into their work. Technology is recognized as a key lever within the system of health care delivery. It has the unique capacity to either reduce or increase workload demand. Creating the appropriate balance and/or impact is a critical role for leadership. Understanding the role of the nurse executive in this work is essential.