COVID-19: Organizational Preparedness and Capacity Planning

An analysis of national data from federal government surveys in the January issue of Health Affairs revealed “a tightening labor market for RNs"
During a press briefing Dec. 10, International Council of Nurses (ICN) CEO Howard Catton told reporters the percentage of nurses who intend to leave
Kentucky Governor Andy Beshear declared a state of emergency Dec. 9 in response to the state’s nursing shortage.
A “buddy” staffing model at a 275-bed acute care community-based hospital in the Northeast promoted efficiency
The American Hospital Association (AHA) seeks input from members by Dec. 17 on emerging
RetuRN to Practice, a program created by former AONL board member Claire Zangerle, DNP, RN, is
Fears and frustrations related to COVID-19 are driving nurses to leave their jobs in large numbers
The Health and Human Services National Healthcare Preparedness Programs (NHPP) Branch will
This week, Colorado declared the entire state at high risk for COVID-19 infections, and health officials reinstated
Mississippi Today last week reported chief nursing officers (CNOs) at 36 Mississippi hospitals sent a letter