COVID-19: Organizational Preparedness and Capacity Planning

In an essay on the changes that may occur in health care as a result of the current pandemic, Donald Berwick, MD, president emeritus and senior fellow at the Institute for Healthcare Improvement, lists choices decision-makers face today as they shape the future of health care.
Experts at Johns Hopkins University (JHU) Center for Health Security published a national plan this week for expanding and adapting the U.S. health care system to better address the COVID-19 pandemic.
AONL members have access to an American Hospital Association (AHA) resource to assist hospitals and health systems in planning for a “safe, orderly return to providing comprehensive health care services.”
In its recently updatedreport COVID-19 Models: Forecasting the Pandemic’s Spread, the American Hospital Association (AHA) looked at five COVID-19 forecasting models designed to aid in capacity planning.
As health care providers need more nurses to care for patients during surges in COVID-19 cases, some nursing boards have taken steps to facilitate reentry into the workforce for nurses whose licenses have lapsed.
During an webinar hosted April 22 by the American Hospital Association, senior leaders from Baltimore’s Sheppard Pratt Health System discussed ways to re-engineer care processes and protocols and to perform a virtual assessment designed to decrease the number of psychiatric patients in the…