COVID-19: Caring for Patients and Communities

The Nursing Community Coalition (NCC) sent a letter to Congress this month to thank leaders for including top NCC priorities in the CARES Act and to urge members to protect and support nurses battling COVID-19 in future legislation.
AONL joined with other organizations concerned about the health and well-being of mothers, infants and families to urge Congress to invest in national surveillance of COVID-19’s impact on maternal and infant health.
Remdesivir, an experimental drug found useful in shortening the duration of COVID-19, is being allocated to those regions hardest hit by the pandemic.
In response to the pandemic, opportunities to learn about timely topics are now widely available at no cost. On May 18, the Johns Hopkins School of Nursing will begin a two-week course for nurses on how to provide high quality care during a time of low resources and high uncertainty.
A recent advisory from the American Hospital Association (AHA) compiles useful information on maternal and neonatal practices during COVID-19 from government agencies, academic institutions, professional associations and health care organizations.