Content by and about the American Organization for Nursing Leadership (AONL).

A provision to honor the U.S. Cadet Nurse Corps was included in the House-passed National Defense Authorization Act, H.R. 7900.
At least six hospitals publicized plans in recent months to cut back services due to staffing shortages.
Team-based nursing should be utilized to combat the nursing shortage, according to Nat’e Guyton, MSN, RN, an advisor to Emeritus Healthcare, a workforce development solutions company.
Health care facilities need to create environments that enable front-line nurses to leave work “feeling like they have made a difference to their patients, families and colleagues,” said CNO Barbara Jacobs
AONL, the American Hospital Association (AHA) and CGFNS International are among the partners Ochsner Health in New Orleans worked with to help Ukrainian nurses who are fleeing war
The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) expanded its toolkit to assist health care providers and others to prepare for the July 16 launch of 988, the suicide and crisis lifeline.
Biden administration health officials stated earlier this week they are considering authorizing a second COVID-19 booster shot for all adults.
A study released earlier this week in the American Journal of Infection Control found that long-term care (LTC) facilities with lower COVID-19 transmission rates implemented a routine testing schedule for residents, while also separately housing residents who were at an increased risk for the…
Patients hospitalized for a heart attack, heart failure or pneumonia were less likely to be re-admitted to the hospital if their communities had more primary care physicians and licensed nursing home beds, a Health Affairs study found.
Better recognition of the signs and symptoms of sepsis by all care team members could reduce the number of adult Americans who die of sepsis, said Cindy Hou, MA, DO, the chief medical officer of the Sepsis Alliance.