
The latest stories from AHA Today.

The AONL Foundation for Nursing Leadership Research and Education is seeking volunteers with terms to begin in 2020. Opportunities with the Foundation Auction/Soirée Planning Group, Foundation Research Review Committee, Foundation Financial Aid Committee and Foundation State Ambassadors are…
AONL has opened its call for volunteers to serve in 2020. The organization has opportunities on four committees: Continuum of Care, Education, Membership and Publications. The Awards Selection, System CNE and Nurse Manager and Director Fellow Selection Task Forces also are seeking volunteers. In…
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) released
The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) released
The latest Quick Safety brief from the Joint Commission details strategies for managing maternal hemorrhage to prevent maternal deaths.
Suicide rates are climbing, and health systems and behavioral health centers are redesigning their practices to respond with research-backed interventions. These include screening people for suicide risk, helping patients write safety plans for coping with suicidal feelings, removing lethal means…
Speaking at the American Academy of Nursing‘s annual policy conference, Rep. Lauren Underwood, D-Ill., laid out her policy priorities and expressed her fervent belief that “engaging in policy is not optional,” for nurses. Underwood is the most recent nurse to be elected to Congress. She said nurses…
With the aging of the baby boomer generation, researchers expect roughly 1 million experienced nurses will leave the workforce by 2030. To retain some of their expertise, nurse leaders at Parkview Health System in Fort Wayne, Ind., developed an emeritus-RN (E-RN) program to engage retired nurses…
Optimizing technology, developing nurse managers and retaining bedside staff are among the challenges CNOs regularly tackle. Three CNOs, including AONL member Karen Mayer, PhD, RN, shared their solutions with HealthLeaders Media.