

The Food and Drug Administration released the first phase of its searchable Purple Book database, which includes all FDA-approved biosimilar and interchangeable products.
“The recent Modern Healthcare article ‘Top not-for-profit hospitals offer less charity care, study finds,’ does not tell the full story of how hospitals and health systems improve community health,” writes AHA President and CEO Rick Pollack in a letter to the editor.
The World Health Organization said that for the time being it will not categorize the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak a global pandemic, mainly because of the virus’ contained spread and lack of large-scale severe disease and deaths.
by Melinda L. Estes, M.D.
One of our field’s greatest strengths is not only our ability to innovate, but also our willingness to share our efforts so we can learn from each other to advance patient health.
The AHA, joined by the Association of American Medical Colleges and a number of member hospitals, filed a brief urging the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit to affirm a district court ruling that voided the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services’ calendar year 2019 payment cut for hospital outpatient services provided in grandfathered off-campus provider-based departments. 
The next Age-Friendly Health System Action Community will commence March 25 and run through October, offering free monthly webinars and an in-person meeting to help hospitals and health systems integrate “age-friendly” health care.
The Department of Health and Human Services finalized its strategy to reduce regulatory and administrative burdens for health care providers using electronic health records and other health information technology.
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services Feb. 20 issued a rule proposing changes to the Comprehensive Care for Joint Replacement model, which bundles payment to acute care hospitals for hip and knee replacement surgery.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention confirmed a new travel-related case of novel coronavirus (COVID-19) in northern California. The Humboldt County Department of Health and Human Services said it is also monitoring one other person who had close contact with the patient.
by Rick Pollack
AHA President and CEO Rick Pollack discusses the organization's upcoming events including the AHA Annual Membership Meeting and the AHA Leadership Celebration.
The Department of Veterans Affairs offers a host of materials to help community partners, including health care organizations, prevent suicide among veterans.
Hospitals and health systems are leading initiatives to foster healthy behaviors and improve the health of individuals and communities, according to new AHA resources highlighting their strategies and successes.
The National Center for Health Statistics and Bureau of Justice Statistics are surveying hospitals by telephone through April 6 to develop a comprehensive list of hospital-based services and programs for victims of crime and/or abuse.
This season’s flu vaccine has been about 45% effective at preventing flu-related outpatient visits, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported.
The Food and Drug Administration released a final rule regulating certain protein products, such as insulin, as biological products rather than drugs effective March 23.
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services has created a Healthcare Common Procedure Coding System code (U0001) specifically for SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes novel coronavirus (COVID-19) infection.
by Jay Bhatt, D.O., by Andy Shin
In this podcast, Jay Bhatt, AHA chief medical officer, and Andy Shin, chief operating officer of the AHA Center for Health Innovation, discuss major trends for 2020 and beyond as health care organizations build teams to advance clinical care and drive innovation.
California’s health insurance exchange added 418,052 new enrollees in 2020, a 41% increase from last year, the exchange announced.
AHA is engaging in early primary states, including Nevada and South Carolina, with ads about affordability and rural health care to ensure issues important to hospitals and health systems stay in front of candidates.
More than 100 additional Americans today left a cruise ship quarantined due to novel coronavirus (COVID-19) and must wait 14 days before entering the U.S., the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said.