CDC Posts Guidance for Health Professionals on Coronavirus

This week, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) posted interim guidance related to the 2019 novel coronavirus for health care professionals. The posting provides criteria for evaluating a patient under investigation for having the virus, including clinical features and epidemiologic risk. The American Hospital Association Feb. 3 at noon ET will host a call for member hospitals and health systems featuring Michael Bell, MD., deputy director of the CDC division of healthcare quality promotion in the National Center for Emerging Zoonotic and Infectious Diseases. Bell will share advice for hospitals and health systems on how they should be preparing for the virus and take questions from members. AHA members must register for the call. If members need assistance registering, please contact Markisha Redwood. The World Health Organization has declared the spread of the virus a global health emergency. Meanwhile, the CDC and a Japanese pharmaceutical firm are both developing test kits to detect the virus. The Japanese firm announced its test will be released by Feb. 1. The CDC will release its test through International Reagent Resource as soon as it is complete. Current information about the 2019 coronavirus can also be found on the American Hospital Association coronavirus update page. (CDC website)