Attendees see the invisible in Schwartzberg’s films

In the final keynote at AONL 2022, attendees heard from award-winning cinematographer, director and producer Louie Schwartzberg, who makes breathtaking nature films aimed at helping to protect planet Earth. “I love making the invisible visible,” said Schwartzberg, who uses time-lapse, high-speed and macro cinematography to capture realities that the human eye cannot see. By expanding his viewers’ vision, he hopes his photography will open their hearts, “unveiling the mysteries of life,” and transforming their view of the world. “Beauty engages our senses,” he told the audience. “It's a reawakening. It's a homecoming to our inner self.” Schwartzberg is working with the Jacobs Medical Center at the University of California, San Diego to study the healing effects on hospitalized patients of viewing natural landscapes. “We’re hoping for positive outcomes--lowering blood pressure, heart and respiration rate, reducing anxiety and addiction to painkillers, better sleep and shorter hospital stays,” he said.