2025 Annual Conference

2023 Keynote Session

Keynote Session | $35,000

Position your company as a valued supporter of the AONL 2024 plenary session through an unrestricted educational grant. Our keynote sessions feature industry-leading speakers and attract a substantial audience. By becoming a sponsor, you'll receive prominent recognition:

  • Big Screen Acknowledgment: Your company name will be prominently displayed on the big screen during the plenary session, ensuring maximum visibility to our engaged audience.
  • Comprehensive Marketing Exposure: Enjoy extensive pre-conference and onsite marketing exposure, with your company name featured prominently in promotional materials, both digital and printed.
  • Online Presence: Your company logo will be showcased on the conference website, further amplifying your visibility to attendees and potential prospects.
  • Email Banner Ad: As a bonus, AONL will include your company's banner ad in a conference promotional email sent to our extensive list of 15,000 members and prospects, broadening your reach.

It's important to note that, due to the nature of these sessions being Continuing Nursing Education (CNE) sessions, no influence by industry partners is allowed in program content or speaker selection. Your support will be recognized as an endorsement of high-quality education and leadership in nursing. 

Join us in making this event a resounding success and contributing to the advancement of health care knowledge.